Eric and Dylan state that they see similarities between Doom and real life. Drawings of the logo, characters and maps are present throughout Eric and Dylan’s journals and school diaries.

It is mentioned several times in their writings. One of Eric and Dylan’s favorite video games. In an e-mail to ID Software, envisioning a Doom 3, Eric writes, ”…, all of the remade into an engine like the one used for quake 2.“ In an e-mail to ID Software, Eric writes, “I have noticed now that Quake is the new "story” in the ID books.“ In an e-mail to ID Software, Eric writes, “… no matter what new games are invented and sold, I always have come back to doom2.” Plans of Eric’s Doom II levels are seen in his journal. In his writing “25 Things That Make Me Different”, Eric wrote “Doom is such a big part of my life…” and “I know almost anything there is to know about that game…”, and “Doom is so burned into my head my thoughts usually have something to do with the game” Eric created levels for Doom (called wads), one of which is said to be a recreation of Columbine High School. Dylan writes that the people in his life are like Doom monsters, while Eric envisions an ultimate Doom world in which people would survive using “only smarts and military skills”, letting natural selection take its course.